Sam is a nine year old boy from West Yorkshire who was born with cerebral palsy, which affects mainly the muscles in his legs, making them so tight and stiff that he cannot stand or walk without adult support. He enjoys school but can feel left out when the other children are playing in the playground, as he cannot really join in or keep up in his little walker. 

Sam had the life changing operation, Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR),at Leeds General Infirmary on 4th September 2014.  This greatly reduced the spasticity in his legs, enabling the muscles to move more freely, and allowing the muscles to be strengthened with the help of ongoing intensive physiotherapy. 

Thank you to all of you for your kind donations, Sam is now able to stand and walk independently.



The funds raised will go to the general funds of Tree of Hope to assist other sick children if we exceed the target amount or if we do not raise enough funds, or if they cannot be used for any other reason.

Total Raised




Fundraise for this child

Latest donations

£10 from A well wisher

“Hope things are getting better for you every day.Keep up the good work. ”

£5000 from Haigh's Party in a Barn

£228 from Tin collections

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With over 30 years’ experience, we have helped thousands of families and have grown to meet increasing demand. Read our latest impact report to be inspired and find out more about our journey.


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£1.2 million

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