Eddie Mylroi

I am raising much needed funds because with your help Eddie 's life can be transformed

A Little Man with a Big Plan – Help turn COVID cut off into a second chance


Thank you for taking the time to read about Eddie and getting to know him.

We are so very lucky to still have Eddie in our lives. At 4 months old, Eddie suffered a traumatic brain injury leaving him severely brain damaged, blind with cerebral palsy, sensory processing disorder and Autism.  Life has been very hard for Eddie ever since.

Eddie’s doctors told us he was lucky to be alive, but that he would never be able to talk, crawl, walk, sit unaided or even recognise our voices.  Our hearts broke.

But we still had Eddie and Eddie gave us hope. If Eddie wasn’t giving up on life, then we weren’t giving up on Eddie.

Fast forward 3 years, and with a lot of hard work and determination, today Eddie is sitting unaided and can even pull himself to standing. He can say around 30 words so far and tries his best to sing along to nursery rhymes. Eddie started attending a special needs nursery just before his 3rd birthday and combined with the help of various therapies he thrived.

Unfortunately, all of Eddie’s therapies have stopped because of COVID 19 and his nursery closed due to lack of funding. So Eddie is on his own. And that’s where we need your help.

Every time Eddie has had an opportunity try new therapies, he has always made great progress and surprised everyone.

For this reason, Eddie is asking you to help him carry on defying his doctors. With your help Eddie can access some great equipment and medical technology at home that will help him learn to walk, talk and be even more awesome, without compromising his well-being during this time. 

Any help, large or small, will make a big impact on this little life.

Thank you for helping.

7.5% of all donations to Tree of Hope in relation to this appeal will be allocated to the general charitable purposes of Tree of Hope to cover our core operating costs.If we raise insufficient funds, or surplus funds, then the funds will be used, if appropriate, to fund support for our child’s needs in accordance with Tree of Hope’s charitable objects.  If in those circumstances we are unable to use all or part of the funds for the benefit of our child in accordance with Tree of Hope’s charitable objectives, then any funds that cannot be used will be transferred to be used for the general charitable purposes of Tree of Hope.

Total Raised




Fundraise for this child

Latest donations

£4200 from Anonymous

“Well done Eddie. You've already achieved so much.”

£1000 from Holborn Assets

“Best of luck Eddie.”

£179.43 from Lisa Maria

“All the best Lynsey! Stay strong, God bless! Love Lisa”

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With over 30 years’ experience, we have helped thousands of families and have grown to meet increasing demand. Read our latest impact report to be inspired and find out more about our journey.


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